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Helix Reports Elevated Helium Levels at Ingomar Dome, Montana

Helix Exploration identified significantly elevated helium levels during drilling operations within the Amsden and Charles formations at its Clink #1 well in the Ingomar Dome project, Montana. Notably, in the Amsden formation at a depth of 3,885ft, helium readings peaked at 50x over background levels, while the Charles formation, currently being drilled at 5,150ft, showed helium levels peaking at 130x over background. These findings confirm the presence of helium within the existing gas system, a promising sign for further exploration. However, further testing, including wireline logging and flow testing, is required to assess the commercial viability of the helium deposits, with drilling set to continue towards the primary target in the Flathead formation at a planned depth of ~8,000ft.

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