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MgB2 Could Replace Liquid Helium Coolant in Superconductors

Magnesium diboride (MgB2) is a promising superconductor that can replace conventional low-temperature superconductors requiring expensive liquid helium for cooling. However, this can be an expensive proposition. Researchers led from Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan, have developed a cost-effective approach using high-energy ultra-sonication in 2-propanol, a highly viscous solvent, to produce impurity-free, nm-sized B particles, enabling the fabrication of bulk MgB2 with high critical current density (Jc) and strong grain boundary pinning, making it a good candidate for polycrystalline superconducting magnets. The findings bring MgB2 superconducting magnets a step closer to commercialization and could potentially replace the need for liquid helium as a coolant.

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