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Messer Granted TRO to Avoid Domestic Helium Supply Disruption

A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) was granted to Messer, the new owner of the Crude Helium Enrichment Unit (CHEU) at the recently acquired Cliffside Helium Facility, allowing the continued operation of the CHEU after 11th August 2024, which is when the current US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) operating lease expires, to avoid any immediate supply disruptions. The Court will decide on 23rd August 2024, whether to grant Messer a preliminary injunction to negotiate a new lease. If this is not granted there is the risk of a shutdown of the BLM supply, which could cause further disruption to helium supply. Over the last month production has averaged 1.4mmcf/d, which is approximately 8% of global helium supply. Messer has been safely operating the CHEU under contract with the BLM for the past two years.

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