Significant concentrations of hydrogen and helium have been found at Gold Hydrogen's Ramsay 1 well in Southern Australia, validating historical measurements and confirming an active hydrogen system in the Ramsay Project area. Hydrogen levels at 240m below ground level matched those from 1931, and a major fracture zone in the Parara limestone was encountered, enabling hydrogen migration. Helium was also detected with an air-corrected content of 3.6% at 892mMD depth. Gold Hydrogen is preparing to drill the Ramsay 2 well in mid-Nov'23 to further appraise the project's resource. Additionally, two non-binding MOUs were signed with Wasco Energy and H2Site for a natural hydrogen pilot project on the Yorke Peninsula, pending drilling campaign results.
Gold Hydrogen Detects 3.6% Helium and Signs MoU for Natural H2 Plant
Updated: Nov 23, 2023