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Comprehensive Study Needed on Helium Supply Crisis

A recent report by the US The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on "The Current Status and Future Direction of High-Magnetic-Field Science and Technology in the United States" underscores the crucial role of helium in high-magnetic-field science and technology, with its essential function in cooling superconducting magnets used in NMR and MRI. The report details the severe impact of helium shortages on US research, including the decommissioning of key instruments and financial strain due to price volatility, exacerbated by the Helium Privatisation Act of 1996. It calls for urgent actions such as establishing a new US helium reserve, implementing helium recycling programmes, and investing in cryogen-free technologies to safeguard the future of scientific research and maintain US leadership in the helium sector. According to the report, currently, the US produces ~2.8bcf of helium followed by Qatar that produces ~2.3bcf.

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