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BLM Takes Step to Implement Helium Stewardship Act

The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a final rule, in line with the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013, to eliminate outdated regulations related to the In-Kind Crude Helium Sales Contract Program. This program required federal agencies to buy refined helium from private suppliers, who, in turn, had to purchase an equal amount of helium from the Federal Helium Reserve. The BLM discontinued in-kind crude helium sales on September 30, 2022, as federal users began sourcing helium from the open market. The move signifies a shift from government-controlled helium production to private-sector conservation efforts, with helium being crucial in various applications, from medical devices to space exploration. BLM will be presenting at the Bidders’ Conference for US Federal Helium System.

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